How to hear your intuition better (and what can go wrong when you don't)

Of all the questions I’m asked on the regular, this is probably the most common: 'how do I know when it's my intuition talking to me?' I totally get why this is such a stumbling block for people. When you think about the nature of intuition (ethereal, can go against logic, experienced differently from person to person, etc) it's not surprising that learning to identify, let alone trust, your gut instinct is such a struggle for so many people – including myself.
Firstly, here's what your intuition is NOT. 

It is not the voice that tells you you've left your hair straightener on (that's paranoia). It is not the voice that tells you that you won't be good enough until you lose 5 kilos (that's your inner bully). It is not the strange gurgling noise your stomach makes (that's probably indigestion). It is, however, that gentle voice telling you that you need to ring your sister because she really needs to hear from you. It is that deep feeling of knowingness you get when you see a job advertised and you just know you're going to get it. It is that shudder emanating from your core you get when you meet someone who everyone else fawns all over but who you sense is not being straight up. In short: your intuition is a deep knowing feeling that often radiates from your core. The art of recognising that voice does get easier with practice. 

Even after all these years familiarising myself with my intuition, I still sometimes fail to recognise it. A few weeks ago I went on a weekend break to the Gold Coast (for the benefit of my non-Aussie readers: a beach city popular with holidaymakers). In the days leading up to our departure, every weather forecast told me to expect thunderstorms and non-stop rain. I was so disappointed — I had really looked forward to lazing on the beach. Then my intuition kicked in, telling me to take my bikini. 'Ridiculous!' I told it. 'I'm not going to the beach in the rain!' I checked the weather again - still storms forecast. Yet as I packed my bag, again and again it told me to pack my bikini, and even later in that half-awake state as I was drifting off to sleep the night before my flight (FYI this is a prime opportunity for messages to come through from the Universe, because your brain, which normally offers resistance, is winding down for the night). I arrived on the Gold Coast sans bikini, beach towel nor shorts... and the predicted storms did not eventuate. It was gorgeous sunny skies and soaring temperatures all weekend. I ended up lying on my raincoat on the sand, wearing weather-inappropriate clothes, then looking longingly at the hotel pool (and whingeing constantly, which was my boyfriend was *soo* thrilled to listen to). 'Told you so' said my intuition. Obviously being without a bikini is a ridiculously first world problem with no great consequences, but it is an example of how the intuition can prompt you multiple times yet you can still overlook it – and the repercussions of that can be much greater than a beach holiday falling short of expectations.
I also had a massive 'd'oh!' moment during a recent angel card reading for a client. Among other things, the client wanted to know whether she should give a former flame another chance as she felt she had unfinished business with him. As I started shuffling the cards, my intuition told me strongly that they didn't have a future together. But when I turned over the cards relating to romance, I doubted myself. Cards signifying 'true love' and 'worth the wait' came up, so I emailed her a reading assuring her of the need to give him another chance. She replied a day later saying the guy had changed his mind about seeing her again, leaving her disappointed and confused. I felt awful – and I knew that it was my own fault for disregarding my intuition, which had been so clear from the get-go. I emailed her back apologising, explaining what had happened. I told her what I should have told her in the first place – that true love was in her future and that romance would be worth all the disappointment she was enduring now… so instead of letting hurt and doubt close her heart, she'd need to be willing to take a chance on love. Although somewhat embarrassing for me, this was a valuable lesson– that I needed to trust my intuition instead of disregarding it when it comes up against information that seems counter-intuitive. 

So where did this leave my poor client? Well, reassured that this heartbreak is not how her story ends… and hopefully this initially confusing reading might have actually helped her in another way, too. I emailed her a story from a fellow angel card reader – who I'd turned to for advice – which explained brilliantly why our intuition sometimes gives us information that seems wrong, but isn't. Many years ago, my friend had been on and off with a guy for three years when he asked her to move overseas with him. She asked the angels whether that was a good idea, and they said 'yes!'. So she quit her job, booked her flight and excitedly started packing. But a week later he told her it was over – for good. As you can imagine, she was devastated. When she asked the angels why they'd misled her, they said they’d given her the information she had needed at that time. It was only when she properly committed to the relationship that it could properly end. If it hadn't, she'd still be playing the half-in, half-out game. Ending that attachment cleared the way for a new relationship to come into her life – and that's how she later met her now-husband and father of her children. Not exactly a pleasant lesson for her, but a necessary one. I think it's something we can all learn from. The Universe always knows best. The better we get at listening to it, the smoother our journeys through this lifetime.