It must be a sign! (Literally)

Sometimes the Universe is really obscure, sometimes it is blindingly, laughingly obvious. Today I experienced the latter.
As I mentioned in a previous post, my project for the year is to improve my debilitating low self-esteem. I’m only a few weeks in, but already I’m feeling lighter and more powerful. To magnify the effect, I’ve assimilated these two mantras into my morning meditations, and I also utter them at random points during the day when I feel like self-doubt is gathering momentum:
* I have the ability to change
* I have the power to change 

On my lunchtime walk today I was reflecting on a situation I’m in at the moment, and started to feel that doubt was taking over, leading me down a familiar dead-end street – Giving Up Avenue. I interrupted this train of thought and asked the Universe to tell me what to do next. Within five minutes I’d seen a truck boasting the words 'ABLE' barrelling past. I put that down to coincidence (note to self: there is no such thing as coincidence). Then I looked up and saw this street sign: Power Ave. I LOLed.

It doesn’t get much more obvious than that. The Universe was giving me a sign – literally – that I have the power to change this situation.

Wish me luck! Actually don’t – I won’t need it (OK, possibly a little TOO confident now, lol).