It must be a sign! (Literally)

Sometimes the Universe is really obscure, sometimes it is blindingly, laughingly obvious. Today I experienced the latter.
As I mentioned in a previous post, my project for the year is to improve my debilitating low self-esteem. I’m only a few weeks in, but already I’m feeling lighter and more powerful. To magnify the effect, I’ve assimilated these two mantras into my morning meditations, and I also utter them at random points during the day when I feel like self-doubt is gathering momentum:
* I have the ability to change
* I have the power to change 

On my lunchtime walk today I was reflecting on a situation I’m in at the moment, and started to feel that doubt was taking over, leading me down a familiar dead-end street – Giving Up Avenue. I interrupted this train of thought and asked the Universe to tell me what to do next. Within five minutes I’d seen a truck boasting the words 'ABLE' barrelling past. I put that down to coincidence (note to self: there is no such thing as coincidence). Then I looked up and saw this street sign: Power Ave. I LOLed.

It doesn’t get much more obvious than that. The Universe was giving me a sign – literally – that I have the power to change this situation.

Wish me luck! Actually don’t – I won’t need it (OK, possibly a little TOO confident now, lol). 

Keeping the faith (spoiler alert: it's hard)

Jon Bon Jovi
"You know you’re gonna live through the rain. Lord you got to keep the faith."

I think I should start all my posts with Bon Jovi lyrics. Admit it – you’re humming the song now.

So anyway, the faith thing. Maintaining faith in an uncertain, and frankly, terrifying world is an ongoing challenge for me, and I suspect it will remain so until the day I die. It’s one of my major lessons in this lifetime, Im led to believe. I’d prefer a karmic lesson that involved mastering pasta making, or perhaps flying a helicopter, but apparently these aren’t things that deeply satisfy the soul in the long term. (Boo!)

Anyway I digress (that happens, from time to time... you’ll get used to it). Lately I’ve been drawing the ‘abundance’ card in my angel card readings. I sigh, release my financial worries to the universe, then wait for the moolah to roll in. If that doesn’t happen immediately, I start to doubt. And that’s unhelpful – doubt is my kryptonite. But when my faith is strong, new opportunities tend to pop into my peripheral vision. Boom! Perhaps not in the way I had expected, but always there’s a solution.

I know I’m not the only one who struggles to keep the faith. After all, if no one ever lacked faith, there would be no need to seek spiritual guidance, and no need for me to offer angel card readings to people. We would be nicer, happier and more successful than we can possibly imagine in this moment. Because we would know that everything would be OK.

Guys here’s the thing: everything WILL be OK. It really will! (I’m talking to myself as much as I am you.) I don’t know why it’s so hard to remember this in times of strife, but I am committed to remembering, and honouring, the power of keeping the faith. I’m also committed to listening to more Bon Jovi, and I would suggest you do the same.