Why are we so angry?

I’ve been surrounded by a lot of angry humans recently. People tearing down other people, people having full-on rants (online and IRL), not to mention celebrities trading insults publicly. And briefly a few weeks ago, I was one of them (an angry person, I mean, not a celebrity).

For two days recently, general annoyances compounded to make my blood boil. These included (but are not limited to): people not recycling; people stopping walking in the street right in front of me; people playing loud music on the bus; people trolling Victoria Beckham for kissing her daughter on the lips (I can’t even).
By nature, I’m not an angry person. I’m fairly good at processing my emotions then letting them go. So when I find myself becoming furious about the way other people are behaving – which, unless it’s directed at me, is actually none of my business – it’s a sign there’s something going on within myself that I need to address. Because anger, I think, is a bit like Instagram followers – the more of it you have, the more you’ll attract. 
Recently I found myself nodding along as I read an article in Stylist magazine which said that, as a society, our displays of frustration are becoming more frequent. It quoted a UK study which found that 71 per cent of internet users have exploded over computer problems; 50 per cent of shoppers have blown up over parking and 45 per cent of us regularly lose our temper at work. 
The story gave some reasons we’re – to use a classy Aussie expression – getting the shits, regularly. With long commutes, the relentless lure of the internet and greater work demands, we’ve got very little time to ourselves. So when something threatens that precious time – a traffic jam, a printer error, for example – we become panicked and we lose it. According to a study, 40 per cent of us will abandon a web page that takes more than three seconds to load. Three seconds!
As well as being fuelled by everyday annoyances, my anger was also directed at people who were doing things I didn’t approve of…. because, you know, I totally have the right to sign off on other people’s life choices (lol). When I became incensed at seeing a total stranger posting pictures of a 10-day juice cleanse, I realised my anger was completely irrational. Personally, I would never do a juice cleanse because I believe our livers are perfectly capable of getting rid of toxins, so depriving ourselves of the food our bodies needs to thrive just doesn’t make sense… to ME. But what other people do with their bodies is actually none of my business. So why, then, would I get angry about this woman’s choices? Oh, that would be the work of my inner control freak.

In my 20s (*gulp*), I had a tendency to try to force onto other people my political views, my exercise regimen, even my particular spiritual philosophies of the day... and responding with barely concealed contempt when they didn’t oblige. This did not, as you can imagine, make me good company at dinner parties. I remember one friend confessing she was sometimes scared to express an opinion she knew I didn’t share, for fear of setting me off on one of my shouty diatribes. *cringe*
Here’s the thing about anger: it’s a mask for deeper feelings. That’s why psychologists call it a secondary emotion. Beneath it is usually fear – of being inadequate, being rejected or being deprived of something (love or respect, for example). But instead of comforting and reassuring the scared child within, the angry old man in us takes over. Because shouting and launching verbal attacks seems to offer immediate relief, or at least release. But any relief is short-lived. The painful emotion lingers. 
We live in a world in which we have no ability to predict or control what might be thrown at us (although we always have agency over the way we respond). We are all scared. While talking about Islamophobia recently, The Project presenter Waleed Aly made some incredibly insightful comments about human behaviour: “When we are presented with what we perceive as an outrageous opinion, we can consider what motivated that person, try to understand their fear, and empathise with how they came to their conclusion. The truth is, what motivates them is fear. And fear is one thing we all share.” He wasnt talking about anger, necessarily, but the sentiment is the same. 
My anger was motivated by fear. I wanted others to be on board with my viewpoints to make me feel assured that I was ‘right’ – others having a differing perspective to mine felt like a threat. I had realised I was different and did not fit in with the crowd. I suppose I was frantically looking for assurance and a sense of belonging.
When I started to engage in a process of personal development (yep, still going with that one!), I started to feel more confident about my place in the world and less inclined to seek validation from other people. I’m at peace with the not knowingness that is a part and parcel of being an adult. I have realised that I do not need other people on my side – and that, in fact, there are no sides. I’m more at peace with the idea that I can cope with the beautiful confusion that we call life, instead of becoming increasingly panicked that I am not good enough, am in danger of being overwhelmed or missing out on something. In other words, in learning to respect myself for my differences, I learned to respect other people for theirs. 
These are the lessons I need to return to whenever I find myself getting angry at people for simply being people who are not me. This does not excuse shitty behaviour by people directed to me, obviously. But when it comes to everyday annoyances or people making decisions that have nothing to do with me, it’s about returning my focus to the things that *are* within my control: namely, my own choices.  

If anyone needs me, I’ll be over here cleaning up my own backyard.

On silencing my inner control freak, and letting go

Woman in field with heart-shaped balloonI did battle with my inner control freak this week, and I’m not sure who won.

One minute I was embracing the chaos of my currently crazy-busy life and setting very clear priorities for my time; the next I was seriously considering setting my alarm for 4.30am so I could fit in a workout before starting work at 7.30. I had to give myself a stern talking to at that point. In the unlikely event that any of you needed a reminder on this: 4.30am is a time for going to sleep after a massively unhealthy night. It is not a time for waking up and commencing massively healthy activity.  

The part of me that wanted to make every minute of my life useful – hello, control freak! – did not want to accept the fact that, at a time when work is ridiculously (but temporarily) busy, I do not have the time for my lengthy fitness sessions. A one-hour yoga class after work: yes, but only once a week. Ninety-minute sweat sessions followed by the palaver of getting my body into a workplace-appropriate state then travelling into the city: no, not right now.

Of course, this wasn’t really about exercise at all. Although fitness is important to me, I’m fairly blasé about it, and it’s not unusual for me to flag a workout due to time constraints. So for me to consider depriving myself of the sleep I so badly need to get through this busy period, in order to squeeze in gym time, was not about maintaining my physical fitness but about maintaining a routine. My inner control freak does not like the unexpected. It likes order. It likes familiarity. It believes it can keep me safe by restricting me to a predictable path. It is wrong.

Last weekend I tried floatation therapy which demonstrated my struggle to let go in a fairly obvious way. This involves stepping into a dark, silent chamber filled with highly salted water for an hour and just floating (side note: you guys really need to get in on this action). In other words, letting go. Not letting your body steer you. Not letting your brain be distracted by what’s around you (you are virtually deprived of sensory stimulation). Not letting your brain obsess about the time or grocery lists or deadlines or upcoming family birthdays or whether your boss is shitty with you or whether she was just overtired when she was a bit short with you yesterday. Should be easy, right?

Woman floating on water, with reflection
Floating on the surface, going in deep.
Yeah, it should be.

I struggled with this so much. First, my body didn’t want to accept that it wasn’t required to move. That it was fully supported and perfectly safe. It’s a very strange sensation to be partially submerged and not have to do anything to keep yourself in that state. I kept trying to push my bum downwards to the bottom of the chamber, just to reassure myself that I couldn’t sink (yeah I know, that doesn’t even make sense). I also kept lifting my arms up behind me because I was worried I’d hit my head on the edge.

Then my stupid brain started up. It didn’t want to be present in this moment, it wanted to race ahead and plan everything everything everything. The week ahead. New projects to pitch for. What to say to friends who are going through challenging times. My inner control freak was not checking out of this hotel anytime soon.

Then something funny happened – I hit my head on the edge of the chamber. It didn’t hurt because I was drifting across the water very slowly, but it did give me a bit of a fright. The reason I found this amusing was because it was such an obvious message from the Universe: GET OUT OF YOUR HEAD.

So I did. After I’d composed the grocery list.

After I finally let go, the most beautiful sense of peace washed over me, and even though it took me more than half the session to get to that point, it was so worth it. I felt so relaxed, in every molecule of my body, that I almost fell asleep on the train on the way home (this never happens – normally I’m furiously scribbling in my notebook or on high alert for weirdos) and that night I had the best sleep I’ve had for months.

So in other words, letting go and trusting that I will be fully supported is something I really need to get better at. If only I could figure out a way to do that without having to almost drown myself…

Why we need more surprises in life

Shocked-looking baby

My brother and sister-in-law are having a baby later this year (sidebar: I’m going to be an aunty – yay!) and they’ve opted not to find out the gender. Initially I thought this was ridiculous – how can you prepare adequately if you don’t know what you’re having?! – but my normally ultra-pragmatic sister-in-law explained that they chose not to find out because “there are so few surprises in life”. I get that now.

When you think about it, the element of surprise is in desperately short supply these days. 

Everything we need to know is at our fingertips. We can find out the rough time a storm front will roll into town and saturate our washing line, the score of every game of hockey being played at any given moment and the names of game shows currently being watched in Uruguay. We’re used to having data at our fingertips so it’s quite disconcerting and mildly panicky when you aren’t given the information you want at any given moment. In the digital age, instant gratification is our MO.

On Saturday I went to this rad cool crazy event called Underground Cinema which is sort of like a murder mystery night. You buy a ticket a few weeks in advance and get told the theme – in this case, the 1950s and American politics – then you’re invited to a secret meeting where you get your first clue. A day before, you get told the location, then you turn up on the night with the instructed random items (in this case an A4 envelope and some earphones) then you have to follow a series of clues by questioning actors (who played their parts brilliantly) and each other, and making your way to the venue where the movie will be screened.

For a control freak like me, this lack of advance information is stress-inducing. How will I get there if I don’t know where I’m going? How late will I be out? What will I wear? I mean, is the venue going to be covered? Will I have to walk on paving stones in heels? And crucially, will there be food? I can’t go more than three hours without a decent meal – not even kidding.

Once I forced myself to take a chill pill, I realised it’s this lack of information that makes the event so much fun, and so memorable. The anticipation and the ‘what movie do you think we’ll be watching?’ chats with my friends in the lead-up make the night enthralling, and I think if I’d known the movie and the schedule of the night in advance it would still be enjoyable – but nowhere near as much.
Question mark in the clouds

Sometimes when I’m doing angel card readings I get people demanding specifics: when will I meet my soul mate? How many years will there be between my children? Will my best friend get deployed to Afghanistan next month? (Seriously – that is an actual question I have been asked.) This is problematic because the spiritual realm doesn’t think about timing in the same way we schedule-crazed humans do. Everything we need to know is revealed to us exactly when we need to know it, and not a minute before. For people used to being given deadlines and Outlook meeting appointments, this lack of clarity is outrageous. But the thing is, we’re not supposed to have all the information at once.

I’m one of those people who reads the last page of a book in advance. I also have a tendency to, while watching a movie, read the Wikipedia plot in full. It’s not that I’m not enjoying the story or the plot, it’s just that I want to know that everything is going to work out OK. But it always does work out OK – or at least, it works out how it’s supposed to – regardless of me knowing what will happen or not. It’s very difficult for me to let go of a desire to know the outcome.

I’m starting to realise that we need more surprises in our lives. There’s such beauty in not knowing where life is leading us, or how our story is going to play out.

More surprises, please. But only good ones, obvs.